Thursday, September 30, 2010

kelly johnston

was fredy the falcon
owner of sutton
owns a mogage company
never wanted to stress about money
played a lead role in a few tv shows
money just a thing
graduated from sardis
advanced goals as he grew up
wanted to open a coffee shop but got denied the loan
opened a coffee shop in abbotsford
busness ended up getting seized and going banked rupted
have to want to be at the top of the pyramid
started building team  of realators
there are cycles to everything
be prepared for storms
you have to fill yourself up
the lesson from the coffee shop was the power of focais and visualization
the money will come
there is no one telling you what yourworth
you are your own boss
you have to share
always create a win win situation
feed your brain
think big streach that brain

Monday, September 27, 2010

hunks hauling junk

collage foxes hauling boxes
offerd$250k ---25%
inc magazine 30 under 30
was offered $250k--- 51%
busness worth maybe $600k
offered $1 million ---- 10%
was offerd 50/50and 10%---- $250k
both companys were very appealing


crate a free thinking /hangout calture friends
facebook has grown quickly
facebook is a threat to google
values at $15 billion
selling ads

Friday, September 24, 2010

the rockefellers

keep ledger to keep value of your money and see where it goes
when asked what he was going to do said nothing with a profession but said he would make $100,000 \
its not the fortune he made its the forten he saved
bought and forced out many bussnesses when he did he offerd them cash or shares
developed a black collage in atlanta
danated hundreds of thousands of dollars to school
had a piece of every company creaded by standard oil
just as market close because of the invention of electric light a new market opened with the automobile
spought out to change hes reputaion from a culthbrouat bussness man to a throughtful sypetetic man

success tips

face the wave
face your challenges head on

embrace risk
take chances and risks to accomplich new thing

be dicerning
be aware of your surroundings to find the outstanding oppertunity

24 hour rule
you have 24 hours to confrount the person wronged you or you lose the right to be hurt

keep a ledger
you need to keep track of your money to know the value

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

every problem is an oppertunitity

open yourn eyes to problems
every problems is an opportunity for creative solution
problems... "bring 'em on!"
intersections of your "skills, market need and passion"
willing to fail... make a resume of failure

teams. make everyone else successful. the more you give the more you get
never miss and oppertunity fabulous! do my best work now!
you control your  attitude (mba story ... it wont fix your problem)

Friday, September 17, 2010

arnold schwortsnegger

born in 1947 became a world class body builder at the age of 15and was a talented soccer player. joined the austrian army in 1965 got thrown in jail for 7 days mentor was joe weider. at the age of 28 became the worlds best body builder. stared in his first movie hercules

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

be disearning?

being disearning means to keep your eyes wide open and being aware of your surroundings in indonisia tourist were not aware what was happening when the tsnami was arriving many lives were lost because they were not paying attension to what was going on around them.

Richard Branson

If you can run one company you can run many
all you need is good people to inspire you
25-50 billion dollar companys 55,000 employes
Dont be afraid to put your dignity on the line
building a plane takes 12 months and another 12 months of testing then it will be ready for customers
not very bright
good at sports
natural born leader
head master said he was going to be a billionaire or go to prison
all you have in life is reputation
helps sick people in africa
he targets companies that have poor customers services
1 how you treat others  counts
2 courage willness to put yourself at risk
3 value added
4 willing to serve others
5 leap into the unknown
6 calculated risk

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who am I?

My strengths are:
Artisans are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the "art of the deal" in business.

embrase risk

What?  embrase risk    
So what? embraceing risk you have to seek out the best posable opertunity

now what? i now have a understanding of risk